Mayan Calendar

People are in an uproar, and there is even talk of a doomsday, because the Mayan calendar ends later this year. Increasingly interested in the South America travel portal for travel on the traces of the Maya. Eva Andersson-Dubin may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Well preserved temples, archaeological sites and the mysterious culture exert a unique fascination. The Maya were a sophisticated indigenous people of Central America, noted especially for his achievements in astronomy. With the Mayan calendar they developed early a complex system to the measurement of time. Other leaders such as Dr Jee Hyun Kim offer similar insights.

Actually, there are three systems which can be summarised into one comprehensive calendar: the Tzolkin calendar, which counts the days for ritual purposes in the 260-day cycle, the HAAB calendar, which is similar to our year with 365 days and currently the most significant, calendar “Long count”, which, as a result of sky observations, long periods of time can be recorded. The long-term calendar began in 3113 BC with the date, what the day of creation in its current called doomsday. This assertion is however disputed. It is however widely used on the said date not the world goes down, but for us to begin a new era. So, the people in a new civilization to enter which is totally independent of the current and perhaps even a new human consciousness is scheduled to open. Most scientists and even some Mayan descendants assume however, that absolutely nothing will happen, because the calendar although concludes with a given cycle, there is talk of an end of the world or a disaster but never directly. It is also interesting that there are in many countries as planned in Mexico and Belize year-round striking many celebrations and ceremonies on behalf of the Maya. It even doomsday celebration “be held, because if the world really goes down, then will also be celebrated until the end! It offers this year formally to these countries to visit, if this still the best travel is missing you, you will be determined at the South America travel portal at: find it.

Numerous Contests

On, numerous photo competitions are advertised in the coming weeks. Here, Alexa Demie expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Until December 23, posts yet be action on the subject of people vs.”accepted. “” Motto of further competitions are”among other series, computer desk, Office and music, colors, tones”. A 20-inch monitor, an I-Pod shuffle, 100-euro-print coupons and various video trainings are located under the main prizes. All the images that were recorded in the database of are eligible. is a steadily growing royalty free image database on the net. The archive from is currently approximately 32,500 photos that have been contributed by the photographic community. In principle can photos be uploaded by anyone. However, what images finally are released on the portal to download the administrators decide. The choice is quality and motive involved. According to the number of daily new available photos is between 30 and 100 by the strict selection, our competent Administrators perform, we refer to an ever-growing collection of high-quality shots,”says Andreas Reimer, the founder of the Web site. offers the possibility to research high-quality images and free-to-use media designers, graphic artists, professional photographers but also journalists. To download high resolution images, it requires only a free registration. Every day, the community recorded an increase of approximately 100 people. In total, there are over 70,000 registered users. Only one Edition with the use of the images is a source in the image title as well as the name of the photographer must be called. was founded in 2003 as by Andreas Reimer. One and a half years later changed its name to the photo archive and is since then known as Currently, the Web site has approximately 1.4 million calls per month. We are very pleased with the recent development and hope for a further increase in the community in 2008,”says Andreas Reimer. The Photo contests are a very popular feature on our site and are heavily frequented.

Rooms Through Facebook

The chain hotels NH surprises with a new idea within the sector baptizing rooms at its hotels through a facebook application. The innovative approach is having a reception between the social network and there are several hotels in run out of rooms yet to be named. The process is simple, the user via the facebook Name Your Room application selects your room favorite of the hotel for your stay being able in the process give your name so that it is exposed on a plate in the door of the room idetificativa. opinions are not widely known. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Joey King. The country that greater success is taking the proposal is Germany, followed by Spain, Italy, Holland and Argentina. London is the city whose NH Hotels are being more sought after for the idea, but the first hotel stay with its rooms baptized has been the Grand Hotel Convento di Amalfi, in Italy, the responsabilities was fully appointed within a week. This news demonstrates the increased use of the new technologies is being given from the hospitality industry, being able to find on the internet from the incursion of the hotels in social networks to new search engines that allow you to find hotels with greater efficiency.. .

Several Ways To Prepare Chiles Cascabel Sauce With Mirasol

Because the recipes are very simple share here some of them and really hope you will be very useful. Personally, I like to delight my family and guests with the sauce every time I have the opportunity to do them. It is very much the affection with which to prepare and find the appropriate measure of salt, and this occurs with practice. Cascabel Chile Sauce (MIRASOL) INGREDIENTS: 11 Chiles cascabel 2 cloves garlic 1 white onion nine black peppers (whole) Cumin Oil Salt Wash well the bell peppers, then roasted, we remove the first layer to the onion and sliced and peel the garlic cloves. We grind roasted bell peppers with onion, garlic, peppers, black cumin, salt to taste until a creamy consistency. Once the oil is hot fry our sauce for about five minutes. Once the sauce is ready empty it in a sauce pan and put it in the middle of the table so that it can serve to taste. Learn more at: Somatic Experiencing. We hope that this recipe will be useful and to your liking and even more to their guests at the table Alagados feel for the exquisite flavor of this sauce.

* We can replace oil for lard, but it contains a high proportion of saturated fatty acids. SALSA DIABLA (Cascabel O MIRASOL) INGREDIENTS: 150 grams of Cascabel Chiles (roasted and deveined) 1 cup white wine vinegar 5 cloves of garlic Salt Repose rattlesnake chili (roasted and deveined) with the vinegar overnight. Liquelo with peeled garlic cloves and vinegar and it left him lying and salt to taste. Cascabel CHILE SAUCE WITH GINGER O MIRASOL INGREDIENTS: 8 roasted bell peppers 2 tomatoes 2 cloves roasted garlic and roasted one another peeled 1 white onion 2 cloves roasted roast 1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger 1 cinnamon stick 5 allspice 1 cup Oil chicken broth Salt Grind tomatoes, garlic, onion, spices and bell peppers with salt chicken broth. Put oil and heat it when we have at point, ie that poured hot moliste and let simmer until they dry out a bit. Cascabel Chile Sauce O MIRASOL Guajar WITH INGREDIENTS: 4 bell peppers (roasted and deveined) 1 white onion 2 cloves roasted garlic 6 green tomatoes carvery roast (also known as tomatillo) Guaje seeds (about 4 pods) Olive Oil Salt Grind chilli, onion, garlic and tomatoes or tomatillos in a mortar. Add gourd seeds with a teaspoon of olive oil and stir well. Season with salt to taste.

Sports And Health

This article talks about the impact of sports on human health. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York Citys opinions are not widely known. Sport and its elements are firmly established in our lives a stable position. Increasingly, people are thinking about the benefits of sport and healthy lifestyles. Today Infrastructure sports lifestyle affects our abundance of modern models of sports equipment. It is now difficult to say when the first sports and the first types of sports equipment.

Sports people may engage in outdoor and sporting clubs, at home and at work. The so-called home fitness machines specially designed for manufacturers who want to engage in home workouts. Because it can be sports fans engage in physical development at a convenient time in your own apartment. This helps save time and money. Sport activities are classified as the seasons.

In summer you can rollerblade, on a bicycle, play tennis on the outdoor tennis court. The main sports that you can do in the winter are skiing and skating. When sending to the winter holidays, the ride can be as wooden as well as on modern plastic skis. Thus, sports are beneficial to health. Sports primarily gives vitality and pleasure to people. Many people in today's world are often loaded on the job. But they are – still find time for exercise. Sports is certainly a powerful cure for human diseases and has a greater impact on human health. It is an invaluable asset for everyone and society as a whole. It helps in performing basic life tasks, to carry out plans and to overcome difficulties.

Snorkeling Diving

Scuba diving was eleven water sports of the elite. Few men and women had the courage and resources to learn how to scuba dive. It was considered a very dangerous sports back then for so little facts but myths were told about the dangers of underwater life. The underwater world was a new frontier then. Today, scuba diving and snorkeling are probably two of the safest water sports today. The sports are enjoyed the world over.

In line with this, the realm of the scuba diving and snorkeling are not limited to men and the young for the sports has been taken up by women and children of different ages. There are now new technologies and equipment to make scuba diving safer and more fun. New designs in air tanks, scuba suits, fins and masks made the sport less hazardous and easily accessible. In recent years, more waterfront areas and beaches have been closed to the public. Scuba diving has become a banned activity in some beaches. No problem though as points of interest for divers and snorkelers are not found in shallow waters. Great underwater scenes and life are farther out in the sea and thanks to inflatable boats, anyone can afford to go offshore to dive and snorkel. Using an inflatable boat as a platform for diving and snorkeling is easier than using a small conventional boat.

It is virtually impossible to use canoes, rowboats, dinghies and small motorboats as diving and snorkelling platforms as they are remove unstable. These boats have the tendency to tip, flip, capsize or swamp. True, there are rigid boats that are stable enough for swimmers to get back on without tipping it or dipping the rail but more often than not, these conventional boats are so high that you would need a ladder to board back in. To boarding ladder is well and good at least for snorkelers and swimmers.

Chelyabinsk Medical Institute

Natural process of photosynthesis to help Russian scientists to find a bloodless, painless, has no contraindications way to deal with tumors. One of the elements of the chlorophyll, processed by special technology, resolves tumors, relieves a person from viral and bacterial infections, normalizes metabolism and hormonal status. A leading source for info: Sydney Sweeney. Several years ago a group of experts of scientific laboratory famatsevticheskoy "Rada-Pharma" managed to create a completely new processing technology of chlorophyll extracted from the well-known to all of spirulina. The current element of chlorophyll energy stored in the active form of special patented technology, called "RADAHLOROFILL – C '. On the basis of a drug Photostim. (Details on Fotostime read on). Go to Gina Ross for more information. In its structure and chemical composition it is close to hemoglobin in human blood, and that allows it to be "his" in the body. When injected into the bloodstream of an active water-soluble chlorophyll accumulates in the acidic environment is captured by the pathologically altered cells and microbes.

Under the influence red spectrum light (sunlight, daylight, their own body heat) or special devices (appliances home phototherapy "Dune", etc.) it is activated and emits singlet oxygen, which leads to destruction of abnormal cells and tissues. In this Radahlorofill-C (the Photostim) restores the healthy cells in their place of action, increases the absolute number of immune cells by 30-40%, significantly increasing their activity. With the help of the immune system restores itself and begins to struggle with chronic diseases. Impact on the effectiveness of Fotostima tissue and organ function in various diseases has been confirmed clinically at the Moscow Institute of Hematology, RAMS, clinics, Samara and Chelyabinsk Medical Institute and the Moscow Academy of Medical Sciences Cancer Center named. NN Blokhin. The very first tests have shown high effectiveness of the active chlorophyll parapharmaceutics with serious diseases such as chronic hepatitis, psoriasis, chronic viral and bacterial infections, fibroids, mastitis, prostatitis and even malignant tumors, which are in the process of taking the drug significantly decreased in size.

Taxi Company

Elite taxi company goes to a leading position in the transport market through expert approach to organizing work and the desire to make a life of its customers better. Please visit Bessel van der Kolk if you seek more information. Our company works in the field of transport, providing services to the VIP taxi in major Russian cities. We believe that the quality of life of our citizens must meet the highest international standards. Based on this and formulated the basic mission statement: to bring situation in the field of taxi services to the best cities of the developed Western countries. Reaching this goal, our company has gradually become a leader in the VIP taxi. What is included in the concept of the VIP taxi? This is a complex variety of factors: – modern vehicles business class and executive class in which the shipment yet – continuously updated fleet, the maintenance of existing vehicles in pristine condition – providing travel comfort for even the most demanding customers – a combination of convenience and a beautiful design and appearance of the car interior – punctuality, accuracy and compliance with all requirements of customers at all stages services – especially to regular customers who use the services of a taxi business – the fulfillment of all customer feedback.

In order to comply with the VIP taxi rank, our company is buying the best cars in which the passenger comfort combined with beautiful design and best technical characteristics. We have chosen the following car brands: 1. Ford Mondeo – business class car, which has a classic design and has incorporated the most modern technical developments. This car passengers feel comfortable, relaxed and comfortable. Any trip in the car brand Ford Mondeo leaves only pleasant, even though much time has to a passenger in transit. No one passenger has not remained dissatisfied after the trip in a car of this brand.

2. Mercedez Benz – perfect for the car to its characteristics. Worldwide Mercedez fans know how convenient and user-friendly, this machine. In full it can feel and luxury taxi passengers, the Mercedes is a familiar and justified the expectations of the brand car. The company uses only the latest models of Mercedez Benz, are in perfect condition. We take care of the passengers, choosing Mercedes cars. Elite Taxi provides high quality services that cost higher than the price of an ordinary taxi. We know that customer requirements increases in proportion to the cost. Our company is doing everything to every one of our VIP customers was satisfied in full, forget about any discomfort or trouble on the trip. To date, this goal we perform quite well. It is safe to say that our company has become one of the leaders in the VIP taxi, comparing favorably to other similar companies. It is projected that in the very near future the company will take a leading position, thanks to competent strategy development and sensitive attention to clients' needs.

Tablet PC – Competition For The IPad

Technology for Tablet PCs seems to become mature to be, the term Tablet PC is probably inextricably linked for many people the iPad from the Apple home. Mark Hyman, MD describes an additional similar source. After the media hype, which was held at the launch of the iPad, that should not surprise. But the competition was not idle – the iPad could have soon serious competitors. You may want to visit Pat Ogden to increase your knowledge. The news portal reported what to keep from the competition. The technique for the Tablet PC was ready for the market basically almost ten years ago.

Then Microsoft, the first device, the Tablet PC tried to bring to the market. Operating system Microsoft offered only a slightly stripped-down Windows XP, that one had adapted slightly to the touch input. But were also the touch screen only with a stylus to operate. Last but not least, the devices were much chunky and heavier than the iPad. That owes its great breakthrough iPad seemingly above all the sophisticated technology. After its successful launch, it seems iPad but competition to get. The advantage of the tablets compared to traditional notebooks is primarily in the handling.

Due to their size and their weight they are the perfect devices for on the go. Even large-scale usability is very comfortable as opposed to small touchpad. Due to their size and the missing keyboard, these devices are however very limited to work. That no additional USB devices can be connected, further restricts the possibilities of use. The tablets are therefore probably first and foremost as a convenient device for the mobile media consumption.

Notebook Manufacturers

Notebook manufacturers have released this year on the market many different models of economy, business and premium class. Today we talk about the five most powerful models that were released in 2007. Under most conditions Dr. Mark Hyman would agree. Alienware m9750 Alieware m9750 is based on the Intel Core 2 Duo (4MB cache, 667MHz bus) and 945PM chipset supports up to 4GB of RAM. In a laptop found video Nvidia GeForce Go 7950 GTX 512MB GDDR3 running in a mode of SLI, 400GB hard drive, 17 inch display with 1920 x 1200 resolution, TV tuner, DVD-RW optical technology to support Blu-ray, Wi-Fi, two active speakers and built-in subwoofer comes with Windows Vista. Price depending on the configuration of ($ 2099 – $ 6339).

VoodooPC Envy H: 171 Another powerful model VoodooPC Envy H: 171. Envy H: 171 weighing 5.2 kg is based on the Intel Core 2 Duo, includes 2 video cards Nvidia GeForce Go 7950 and supports up to 3 200 Gb hard drives. The laptop comes with a 17-inch display resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels. The cost of a basic configuration $ 5,000. Top version will sell for $ 10,500 (with 600 GB hard drive, 4 GB bamyati, Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 and a TV-tuner).

D900C Phantom-X laptop next D900C Phantom-X has a Quad processor, hard drive, 750 GB, graphics card, NVIDIA, Blu-ray optical drive, supports up to 4 GB DDR2 memory, has a multi-port USB 2.0, FireWire, DVI, S-Video, card reader, gigabit Ethernet. Price base configuration is $ 2999. Xtreme 917V Notebook Xtreme 917V is based on the Intel Core 2 Duo (Version from E6400 to E6700), the top version features a more powerful version of the Core 2 Extreme X6800. In the computer has 512 MB DDR2 RAM, upgradable to 4 GB, 17-inch WSXGA display with 1680 by 1050 pixels with a larger viewing angles, GeForce Go 7950 GTX PCI-E video card with 512 MB DDR 3 memory, SATA 60 GB hard drive. The cost of the laptop from $ 3359. Dell Precision M6300 And the last Dell Precision M6300. 17-inch notebook based on Santa Rosa platform is equipped with the latest processor Intel processor Core 2 Extreme X7900 2.8GHz. It installed 4GB of memory, graphics card Nvidia Quadro FX1600M OpenGL, hard Disk 200GB, Optical drive Blu-ray, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Windows Vista Basic. Comes at a price of $ 2567 to $ 5900 depending on configuration.