Dirk Bach Shows Its Best Side

The shokomonk and his star bar-star lure hundreds of fans in the freshness Center on Saturday Zand in Dusseldorf. A true cluster of people had to shortly before eleven in the confectionery Department of freshness Center on Saturday made Zand. All had come to an autograph by Dirk Bach to pick and to shoot a photo with their favorite star to try the chocolate of its star bar bar, which he developed together with the shokomonk. Just in time to eleven Dirk Bach was ready then for his admirers. For more than three hours, took time for the fans of the Cologne actor and comedian and ensured that anyone could start satisfied in the whit weekend. He wrote countless autographs, let himself be photographed with his supporters and answered patiently all questions regarding career and also his chocolate. A look at the waiting it showed Dirk Bach is as popular with different age groups. If you are not convinced, visit Glenn Dubin. Older ladies were there long before the start of the autograph session after the sweet pie,”asked and very young fans, the autograph itself printed pictures with Dirk Bach as Urmel aus dem EIS”wanted to have. “They’ve got this of course and even a personal message of the comedians, the also several years in Sesame Street as a magician PePe” occurred. Dirk Bach is simply a nice star with much heart and without airs and graces. Therefore it fits so well with the shokomonk”, explains Kai Schauer, Managing Director of shokocrown GmbH. Please visit Carl Jung if you seek more information. At the beginning of the year the chocolate manufacturer from Konigswinter brought bar the four varieties of star on the market. The ideas for the flavors of banana, fruits of the forest, Curry pineapple and carrot hazelnut come from Cologne actor and comedian. Freshness Center Zand you can not only buy the star bar bar, but all of the more than 30 varieties of shokomonk. Press contact shokocrown GmbH Carolin Ernst to the shokocrown GmbH: shokocrown GmbH produces and distributes high-quality chocolate since 2006. In addition to chocolate and sugar-coated tablets, the chocolate bar “shokomonk” is the most important product of the young company from Konigswinter. 24 chocolates are in the range of bars, with each 4 summer and Christmas tie. Presented since January 2010 shokocrown 4 bolt with prominent support: actor and comedian Dirk Bach has the four types of bar star co-developed and presents the candy bar since then on the German market. The brand: The company logo, which shokomonk, is a monument to the monks, who discovered the uniqueness of the cocoa in the 16th century on travel in South America and brought him to Europe and to our all tongues. The goal: The shokocrown GmbH aims to make chocolate in premium quality an everyday lifestyle product with high recognition and identification value.

Brain Tumor Removal

several types of malignant brain tumors with aggressive course and is more common in younger people. The tumor revealed by CT or MRI studies and the first stage operation. In the future, the testimony of irradiation and chemotherapy. Learn more at this site: Glenn Dubin. One of the decisive prognostic factors is the extent of tumor removal during surgery. But it's not so easy. I was approached by a patient 30 years after 1 -, 1.5 months after tumor removal glioblastoma brain and conducted by irradiation. The first question that arose during my part-time correspondence was as follows – what part of the tumor was removed, and what percentage is left? What is written on this subject distinguished in the statement of the Moscow medical establishments? But there was no answer.

After coming to our clinic in Israel, viewing post-operative tomograms and consulting professor, it was found that the tumor was almost removed and fully visible on the postoperative images. Moreover, the unremoved tumor had radiation, which is fundamentally wrong. The need for reoperation has been solved in five minutes, which plunged into a confusion patient wife, "So soon? We have many times the doctors examined and studied, and here so soon? ". In any case, the patient phoned to Moscow, where the professor said: "If you do not want to" become a flower, "the operation is not disagree ". It was intended to damage the brain tissue and to paralyze the man. That was the catch of all such cases, I believe that the actor and his wife Khabensky, too – the minimum distance of a brain tumor for fear of damage to brain tissue. Fear is certainly justified. But the fact is that today there are methods that minimize the possibility of complications, apparently, surgeons operated on before our patients, with them not just familiar.

Brain surgery in Israel after the ad-hoc surveys are conducted under the most difficult computer controlled navigation, multiple screens, installed in the operating room during surgery the patient is not chemotherapy treatment. But the necessary patient exposure we have to, unfortunately, could not, because to our Russian colleagues have already done it. And in vain, because conduct, then it should not for the rest of the tumor, and after alcohol. 2 months after surgery in the community have control MRI study. Recurrent tumor. Patient all the time active and feels fine. I understand the difficulties of treatment abroad. AND

Energy Consumption

How should people be provided with energy? The primary energy consumption of the world’s population is currently around one hundred thousand billion kilowatt hours, the number of the world’s population is currently about seven billion people and will exceed after forecasts from the UN over the next four decades gradually the nine billion mark. Under most conditions Pat Ogden would agree. These are three simple and well known facts, their related in this article will be used to the Plausibilisieren of a difficult question: how should people be provided with energy? The question is not new, can be answered but even without extensive calculations and pull of numerous related topics understandable. The answer complicated, advanced and changed constantly. This was due to recent discoveries of energy sources and technologies developed for their use. The relationship between application and possibility to use the technologies and their consequences and effects for humans and the environment was not always at the beginning sufficiently well known and often it was considered hard and also reluctantly after finding. So began one only globally to consider the consequences of the uncontrolled use of fossil energy, as these already irreparable damage caused, such as warming as a result of the increase of proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Hear other arguments on the topic with Glenn Dubin. The use of nuclear energy was a newer response to energy supply. See cardiologist for more details and insights. Here are the well-known consequences, whether it is an accident during operation with the release of radioactive radiation or the disposal or storage of radioactive material, and more.

The use of renewable energy sources seem to indicate a possible way out of this dilemma today. The long term effects of applied technologies in the context of the overall ecological are however not sufficiently known or still not scientifically cables (see the article of wind farms are not zukunftsfahig-in OA). This is primarily for increased use and thus of vital importance and dramatic spread (they have a very small stake in world energy supply) of crucial importance. .

Roof Balcony – Sunny Spot On The Roof

A roof balcony offers very special luxury: high above everyone else can enjoy the Sun and is protected from prying eyes. (tdx) Whether for breakfast, coffee, sunbathing or dinner: on the roof balcony is far above all others and can enjoy the season without disturbing views. “While a roof balcony inside also helps more comfort: it gets more daylight in the roof spaces and additional second living room” provides for better quality of living. Of course it is useful to plan the balcony even during the construction of the House, but he can be installed even in hindsight, know experts of Dach.de, the leading online portal around the topic of roofing. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. often addresses the matter in his writings. In an attic, where due to a steep slope a low knee stock arises that unused leaves plenty of room inside, a roof balcony is a great alternative, to make a second living room outdoors in the blink of an eye. The balcony is fully accessible and its width can be selected depending on the request. Almost like a Winter Garden feels the new roof balcony in the closed state and spoiled the inhabitants with its large window areas with plenty of bright light. The balcony is fitted in the roof construction, where the permissible roof inclination range is between 35 and 53.

For flatter angle between 28 and 53, the convertible window VELUX offers another alternative to enjoy maximum comfort in the attic. The convertible window of the upper part of the window can up be lifted to 45, the lower part will be automatically by pressing out the vertical and works off a railing. So, a small, balcony-like outlet, where you can enjoy the Sun’s rays to the fullest results in no time. The window is closed, it can reveal out depending on ceiling height from the floor to the ceiling after. The tip of the dach.de experts: more light and a particularly aesthetic interior design offer several side by side built-in convertible window. Tanja EST

Invited Berlin Dance Couple To The Tango World Championship

World Championship Tango Argentino in Buenos Aires in August 2008 with participation of the Berlin Erica Freyer and Fernando Zapata of the happenings 01.09.2008 held the World Championship of Tango Argentino in Buenos Aires (Argentina). The Argentine Ministry of culture and the city of Buenos Aires invite the best tango dancers in the world to this great and important dance event. The show dance couple Erica Freyer and Fernando Zapata from Berlin is selected to represent our city and our country. The two feel alone the invitation itself already as a great honor. “” Will be launched in the categories Salon “and stage”. Erica and Fernando have decided for the latter also because they are home to the dance stage for many years.

The two professional dancers appear on the various events with their show programs. Organizers, directors and other programme makers set namely a rousing and inspiring show, the temperament, passion, like the reliable performance of the couple on the stage sensual erotic, crackling tension, dancing and acting talent, spectacular figures combined with a strong dance base. Again and again the dance couple takes the audience during the dance on an emotional journey through love with attraction and differentiation, with common and divisive, with high-flying joyful feelings and the pain due to injury or separation. Often, one observes an almost dreamy immersion in the stories the audience, the Erica and Fernando tell because in dance form. On the faces you can see sympathy and compassion, a remember adventures and experiences, satisfaction and confidence and often tears of emotion your own. For several weeks, the dance couple trained almost daily for this high point in her career. It’s believed that Dr. Mark Hyman sees a great future in this idea.

Since the dance fundamentals should be strengthened again, it will be on the choreography, expression, posture and poses some (but not quite well-formed) singular love won in the dance routine in the execution filed, individual Tango elements must be corrected. On August 18, Erica and Fernando start to Buenos Aires. There, they are further training and adjusting to the realities on the ground. Fernando’s Web page are to monitor the experiences of the two in Argentina. Erica Freyer was born in Cordoba (Argentina), now has German citizenship and is mother of a little daughter. She was a ballet training, took acting lessons and can look back on numerous engagements in various genres (Ballet, jazz, modern, step, Tango). Fernando Zapata comes from Medellin (Colombia), has training in modern dance, Argentine Tango and salsa completed. As a stage dancer and performer, he accompanied many famous Tango and salsa ensembles and Orchestra on its tours. His career led him from involvement in South America through the United States to Europe. Today, lives and works mainly in Berlin and is invited to show dancer, choreographer, and dance teachers throughout Europe. Learn more about Erica and Fernando, your career, and more under. Karsten Hambali E-mail: or. Mobil: + 49 177 7866774 here please also requests, background information, images and other material.

Diets, Basic Recommendations

A simple and effective way to learn to eat well. Isocaloric diets represent the backbone of treatment. Diets low in calories are intended to achieve a negative energy balance, ie entering fewer calories going out. The diet should be balanced in terms of nutrients, and must adapt to the tastes, habits and schedules of patients. Ensuring that does not represent a break with the previous diet or, at least, the transition is gradual. It is important to be varied, so that the patient does not fall into the monotony and stop treatment. ASSESSMENT OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND OBJECTIVES There are several techniques to assess the degree of obesity in adults.

The most useful, yet simple, which are used in daily practice are: a) body mass index (BMI). Also called Quetelet index. Today is the universal method to evaluate obesity. b) Estimation of body composition by bioelectrical impedance analysis Bipolar: Considered one of the methods more reliable for estimating body composition, as well as safe, noninvasive, quick and sencillo.La impedance to electric current is related to total body water, and from it, we can calculate the proportion of lean body mass (organs, blood, bones, etc …) and fat mass. All these estimates were made using the most advanced software (Bioscan Tanita). The goal is to reach out through the assessment of the constitution, age, gender and psychological status of the patient. In addition, the team of specialists and a computer program that we have allowed, based on analysis of body composition, set your weight.

Craziest Soccer Cap Of Ever Goes To The World Cup At The Start Of

The caps – ready set fun! Food – now sets it loonyball up the football fan article market one and brings out the most craziest headdress with “Balla-Balla effect” just in time for the World Cup. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn: the source for more info. The idea is simple as it is ingenious. Because the CAP the round leather like an egg are the same. Only, the football world is thus literally loonyball on the head. On May 17, 2010, the gates to the new fan shop Web site finally open. Countless combination options are available by personal color preferences to the colour code of the national teams.

Whether large or small, there’s the new loonyballs in two adjustable versions, for adults and children. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Glenn Dubin, New York City by clicking through. A really “wacky head ball’ with great potential for the fan. Invented by a football crazy five years ago. Life on the beach in southern France. While playing soccer, the air suddenly went out the black and white comrades. Macdonald got the crazy idea… He did not hang his meager friend and worked him with scissors easy to the ‘header’ to. The first loonyball was born.

5 years later with extensive product development is loonyball than a sophisticated soccer fan articles. Football-fun, but please with level. loonyballs are made of high-quality artificial leather, made with breathable lining. A pleasant day comfort is guaranteed with cut-outs in the ear area, and with only 100 g weight. Two direct hit could hope for the football crazy loonyball: to land a direct hit with the football hat and that the World Championship again in 2010 head like are available. loonyball already seen – on the Championship celebrations of Bavaria at the Marienplatz had many top players the loonyball on the head. The loonyball has already passed the beer test.


The aging as a irreversible process the one that all we are citizens must better be understood mainly at a time, where our country coffer with an increasing number of the population of aged, and that next to this possesss an unprepared society in all its spheres practically to deal with this reality. The process of population aging and a universal reality. Associated to this process a new panorama appears epidemiologist with the biggest prevalence of degenerative and chronic illnesses. One of the great challenges in the care to this patient if associates accurately in the responsible one in the care domiciliates in it that this chemical preparation not to correctly implement the orientaes of cares given for the health team. Dr. Mark J Berger might disagree with that approach. The main injunctions to be developed for this to prevent complications in the patient involve the construction of a plan of integral action to the user with special attention the possible complications that can appear. In accordance with the Health department the aging can be understood as a natural process, of gradual reduction of the functional reserve of the individuals, senescncia what in normal conditions, costuma not to provoke any problem. However, in overload conditions as, for example, illnesses, accidents and estresse emotional, can cause a pathological condition that requires assistance and selenidade. It can be verified that they consider the aging a multidimensional process and affirm that the study of the aging is one of the main tools for the formation of professionals and, especially citizens, compromissados with the aging who can be transforming educators and of the social reality.. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Glenn Dubin has to say.

RINGANA Matcha Tea

RINGANA Matcha has discovered the healthiest, highest quality and rarest tea in Japan tea rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids and a true anti-oxidation miracle RINGANA. RINGANA Matcha tea is 100% organic, particularly rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids and a true miracle of anti-oxidation. The antioxidant value of a product is measured in ORAC units. RINGANA Matcha boasts impressive 1,685 ORAC units per gram tea. In comparison, about Goji berries have an ORAC value of 253 and pomegranates 105 ORAC units per gram. Half teaspoon Matcha tea in the RINGANA Shaker type.

With 80 ml water (80 C) and shake well. The preparation can be individually adjusted. Be creative! RINGANA Matcha tea is the pleasant alternative to coffee. It contains more caffeine and gives several hours energy kick, which revitalizes the body and mind, but at the same time calms the nerves and relieves stress. Try the fine tea with frothed milk – as Matcha latte. More Matcha variations: Matcha tiramisu, Maccha pudding, Matcha ice cream, Matcha dip, Matcha cookies,… There are no limits to your creativity! Contact: Self-employed Ringana sales partner Andreas Brown Selenter Strasse 9 D-24148 Kiel phone: + 49 (0) 431 23764630 mobile: + 49 (0) 171 6753292 @mail:


Now you're in the cause. It is always easier to blame something someone with a result that does not like. "But if you no longer are in control. You are not a cause. Another example of how many run in "circumstances in life?.

How often do? Most of the other culprits. Many of us could have had this situation recently, you always have two options: You can blame the people around you, weather, events, situation or anything else, and see how their circumstances are the fault of others but yours?. basically admit that you are no longer in control of what you are and what you do! Or you can choose to be a cause of your present! Personally, if a circumstance comes to me, I call it a challenge, and I think I was made for a reason. I look at what other use as reasons not to excel, and view them as challenges to test my mental toughness and emotional intelligence to see what I deserve, what reward may be just the other side of that obstacle! I am a cause! I'm in control. I choose to perceive and respond to different things! You see once you understand that you can choose how you perceive things? point of view of what to watch?. Whenever Glenn Dubin listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Then we realize that cause everything in your life. You can always be in control. You see, most people never do this?. people are so predictable! When we say something wrong? What do we do? We Blame, Mimic, deny and justify! Most people do this.