A Colorful Photo Shoot For Lifestyle Catalogue 2008 / 2009

Next weekend, Leipzig is devoted to the lifestyles of young people. The preparations for the meanwhile third catalog of the company are in full swing. For the shooting at the weekend 13/14 September in an apartment in the Erich Zeigner – Allee 34, they get Imperial clothing the creators of the project into the boat. This is known for her creative and artistically ambitious photo work. Already the choice of the models was on modern communication way: to win their own customers as models, the company praised the shooting on the company’s website. “You want them can give even part of the catalogue and the imperial family” to be.

It was followed by over 1000 applications from all over Germany. Selected were over 20 different characters colorful tattooed largely that expressing the Imperial lifestyle best. Learn more at: Glenn Dubin. The finished catalog is distributed early November nationally and internationally free of charge on the post, about the Imperial street team, the Imperial bands and concerts. The Weekend promises an exciting shoot with many interesting people and some fancy motifs. A small party for all models and actors on Saturday evening is the conclusion of the first day of shooting. Be there when breathe life into ambitious young people of Leipzig. History of the emerging company describes itself as a company Imperial clothing, fresh wind in the area of streetwear clothing and music merchandise brings. With success: Since the beginning of 2005 more than 27 000 people from Germany, Austria, registered in Switzerland and all over the world in the online shop and articles purchased themselves.

Imperial, maintains not only a close bond to his customers, but has already worked with many bands and labels and close friendship. In this way arose the cooperation with AlternStyle. A young lifestyle project from Leipzig, which puts young people and their extravagant fashion trends artistic scene and also brand has specialized in band promotion, advertising and music videos. Also at AlternStyle, putting on intensive exchange and personal contact with the target group. The weekend promises an exciting shoot with many interesting people and some fancy motifs. A small party for all models and actors on Saturday evening is the conclusion of the first day of shooting. Be there when breathe life into ambitious young people of Leipzig. For more information about AlterStyle and Imperial clothing on the Internet at and Hagen Lindner