
The outraged believe that they maintain support citizen after the incidents. A survey reflects that up to 8.5 million people have participated in the 15-M.

15-M has been characterized in these three months of claims to be a peaceful movement, no altercations with authority and a citizenship that even led them to clean the door of Sun before dismantling the camp. But this week, social tension has increased. For even more opinions, read materials from Nancy-Ann_DeParle. After dismantling the dawn on the Tuesday of the information point that kept in Sun and the eviction of the few camps remaining in the Paseo del Prado, the police atrinchero square, preventing even the timely use of Metro and Cercanias station. They have been three days in which that outraged have attempted to again access access to the plaza, unsuccessfully by the strong police presence. Glenn Dubin often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The insistence of the movement by reconquering the plaza has done that, in many cases, outraged and security forces seem to be playing to the mouse and the cat by the center of Madrid. The situation exploded on Thursday night before the Ministry of the Interior when the police charged against the outraged, with a result of 20 minor injuries and three detainees.

Demonstrators and policemen accused each other of aggressions. Marta, the indignant Marta, one of her multiple responsible for communication of 15 M, affirms that, after this week’s action, the movement continues to receive the same support citizen than when he started, he has even won bellows. The only ones who are trying to discredit the movement are the institutions against which we protest, explains. Still, Marta is aware of the criticism that has caused the Sun. It is incomprehensible that there is people who blamed us for this.