Dependent To Nasal Spray?

Dependency: what to do You already have the sense that without nasal spray is nothing helps only nor withdrawal nasal spray is well known to everyone and hardly anyone will bring a cold without the use of nasal spray behind. Nasal sprays are applied at influenza infections with a blocked nose and runny nose or allergy and hay fever. A stuffy nose, through which you can get difficult air is annoying and uncomfortable, what is more logical than the handle to the nasal spray? Nasal spray is dependent on”some say absolutely risk-free” say others. But what exactly is behind these statements? First of all, including nasal sprays, there are differences. There are so-called decongestant nasal sprays that to help, in a cold with a runny nose again free to breathe through the nose. These are obtainable. Also apothekenpflichtig antihistaminikumhaltige nasal sprays as allergies are used for allergies are.

Kortikoidhaltige nasal sprays are available by prescription and are used for hay fever. To wet and Cleaning of the nasal sea water nasal sprays, so saline nasal sprays are available. How is it addiction? The problem is: vasoconstrictor agents such as Oxymetazoline or Tramazoline can be found in almost any decongestant nasal sprays. Will continue the application without a break of several days, or even weeks, the nasal mucosa when the spray is bleeding out suddenly and the nose is blocked again. It is also possible that no longer swell off the mucous membranes without taking the spray and one enticing this repeatedly for use by nasal spray.

Because the active ingredients in decongestant nasal sprays can also the mucous membranes severely dry out, the mucous membranes in the nose are damaged irretrievably. Nasal spray-dependent! What now? It happened yet as far and you realize that you no longer can breathe without nasal spray through the nose, one should, as hard as it is, immediately off the nasal spray. The mucous membranes are regenerated again it takes a usually several weeks. Nasal irrigation on the basis of oils and sea salt can provide relief during this time. Decongestant nasal sprays are important no question for acute sinusitis or cold-induced rhinitis, so the collected liquid can expire and you can freely breathe through the nose. Especially at night a stuffy nose often hinders sleep, but sleep is important to cure the disease and for the regeneration of the body. If you apply the nasal spray no longer than a week to up to ten days and also not consistently, but really only when the nose is, you have nothing to worry about and the nasal spray relieves the symptoms safely. For more information, as well as helpful preparations for relief of colds, see