POS data long term archive the principles of data access and the testability of digital data”(GDPdU) regulate the archiving of digital data for the audit and concern that including POS data, which must be securely archived and kept accessible over a period of 10 years. Audicon certifies the conformity of the data exported via the interface with the requirements of the financial management for the evaluation of machine AWEK as distributor of test software for the financial services with the certificate. According to specification of the financial management of November 26, 2010, Indiv have recorded over 10 years and on request be available at all times and immediately readable by machine evaluable. The digital documents must be including the associated structural information in an evaluable data format. Check out cardiologist for additional information. Dr. Michio Kaku takes a slightly different approach. Axel Becker, head of GDPdU consulting by Audicon explains the background to this preset: it happens that financial officials data get no idea can read it and then reject.” Security brings the conformance testing by Audicon here, because around 14,000 tax auditor of the financial management among the customers of audicon. Hear from experts in the field like Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. for a more varied view. Use IDEA, as official test software of financial management, daily at the digital tax audit.

The GDPdU AWEK interface is certified by Audicon idea since the end of 2011. The certification is ensured that there are the data from the interface in the so-called description standard”, says Dr. Axel Becker. The data from the interface of AWEK are einles thus guarantees in IDEA – and be evaluated”, he adds. With the implementation of the description standard follows AWEK of the recommendation of the financial management. The machine readability ensures this by a structural descriptive XML file is delivered via the interface to the raw data in ASCII format. With the product smartSTORAGE AWEK provides its customers a certified product, the requirements of the financial management in respect on the GDPdU fulfilled. AWEK 2012 shows the latest version of smartSTORAGE at the EuroCIS in Hall 9, stand C19.