Shoe Fair 2011: Optimism For Retailers

The new study by the bbw marketing Dr. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. oftentimes addresses this issue. Vossen and partners analyzes the shoe market. For several years that moves market volume for shoes in Germany tend to be around 8.5 billion euros with more or less small rashes after up and down. Also for this year the industry is quite positive. Connect with other leaders such as Anu Saad here. He long winters and the current fashionable impulses, which are currently at the trade fair GDS in Dusseldorf, will affect positively on sales in 2011. The results of the consumer survey conducted in autumn 2010 in cooperation by the bbw marketing and jomondo research documenting the new fancy shoes.

Thus, 43% of respondents indicated to spend more money on shoes this year than in the previous year; a when compared to other fields of consumption as well as in comparison to earlier surveys outstanding value. “With overall positive framework conditions for the industry of competition among providers continues but Dr. Klaus Vossen unabated because the large” the industry expand with above-average growth rates. But they still exist, also the company trends among smaller companies. Size is often a criterion for success, but it also those companies can be successful, who act with sophisticated concepts of operation types, also geared to specific target groups in the market. The Zielgruppenanlyse plays an essential part in the latest bbw study.

Within the framework of the target group profiles of shoe buyers shoes poisonous, mentions in order to achieve the personal outfits values of 70 to 90% because important. Here the young fashion fashion type with 90% has the highest affinity for shoes. For the modern types”, there are only slightly less with 87%. The classic type of fashion shoes play the slightest role in the personal outfit, because only”52% of respondents shoes occupy an outstanding position for the personal outfit. The shoe study provides interesting trend statements to individual target groups in terms of output and consumption patterns with the purchase of shoes.