The group had duration of sixteen meeting, the participants had commented that the group will go to make lack, with this was lassoed the idea of the participants if to organize to give continuity to the group, since it has this space and time yielded for the company. They had revealed glad, had disclosed that she has great possibility of if continuing with the work, a time that already has a base of as if to work with the group. CONSIDERAES FINAISDiante of the experience of sixteen meeting with the carried through therapeutical group with a group of 5 women of a Hospital that treats patients with cancer. It can be observed that during the first interventions that the participants do not possuam knowledge on what she could be worked through the Institucional Psychology of group. Initially the work was understood as plus a lesson, some understood as a trick moment, for the descontrao dynamic.In the dynamic that stimulated the group for the exposition of the subjects, the participants find certain difficulty in surpassing what she was lived deeply for the professional reality, personal and social.
He was possible to evidence the importance of the contract, made during selection strengthened during the first meeting, to become the group most responsible how much to the schedules, thus it was commented on the responsibility of each one with the group. In elapsing of the meeting some changes in this direction had been evidenced, to the few the proposal of the meeting were if becoming clearer and them if they had become, assduas and responsible with the schedules of the group, if it formed an ample space of quarrels and expressividade of feelings, you distress, fears and concerns. The involved people had started to perceive the space as something of them, formed for the contributions that each one could give, for the attention given in hearing the other, exactly when they presented a thought or a contrary opinion to its, space to give and to receive feedback, with stories of change of behaviors front the internal and external situations to the work, thus following as planned working theory and dynamics of group.One perceived some movements of resistance, as well as, was possible to observe clearly that the participants are starting to give meant proper for the personal development and interpersonal, taking to understand them it that the education goes beyond the formal environment of work and the preparation technique, they had obtained to identify the importance of the personal investment in the quality of life.