Childhood Depression

Child depression is a reality that affects children of this age. The depression was only an evil that affects adults and was rare to say on child you might have depression in children. Despite this, in the days of today evil of child depression has become somewhat common envelope which parents should take the necessary steps to make your child feel well. The first thing you must take into account a father before you think that your child has depression in children is that not all children are equal and that it is possible that certain behaviors of your child that seem depressed in reality belong to your actual way to be and do not constitute an evil at all. This is how the father must know well your child before you say that it has child depression by more symptoms that your son has evil. There are many symptoms that can be categorized as symptoms of depression in children. Since this evil has quite worried many psychologists and specialists in the study of the behaviors of children, there are many studies that These people may have in mind to remove their children from this evil. We discuss some of the symptoms that have been classified in child depression below.

One of the symptoms of depression in children which may occur is when the child is constantly sad or crying more easily that children usually cry. Sadness can be identified easily by the enthusiasm that looks to the child by the things that happen to her around as well as those involving the same. If the attitude towards these things is a sad attitude it is possible that the child is suffering child depression. It is also symptom of depression in children when it is difficult that it excited by games usually exhilarating him greatly. Children with childhood depression are normally difficult to brighten and adults looking for all sorts of games that can make them smile and behave as usually make children normally. Before these symptoms of depression in children the best thing is to go to where some expert.

Children who are far removed from the people in general, that is, their relatives and also children who have the same age, also have symptoms of depression in children. This symptom can be confused with the timidity of certain children who hardly interact with people a little. However, if the child has had good contact with their parents it is possible that they easily identify if it’s depression in children or if it’s simple shyness. The diagnosis is made much easier when this symptom is accompanied of other symptoms of depression in children. A symptom that is very linked to which has just been mentioned but which differs from the previous one and which makes part of the childhood depression, is when the child is too short to talk or communicate with people. In effect, are children who cross if much 2 or 3 words and do so with little precision. These children, if it is not language or otherwise, difficulties may also have symptoms of depression in children. This is just a short list of some of the symptoms of depression in children. If you want to be safer advised to contact more wide here that can help you in specialized centres or information on other sites that provide more complete information about child depression.

Tips For Hunting Rabbit

Many hunting areas have shown a notable increase in the populations of rabbits, with an extraordinary repopulation ability in specific areas, case of southern Cordoba, where damage to agriculture are very important, and this year has accused heavily in vineyards. 1. How many? That field says here is worth a tip which I think is quite practical: do not go out with the fixed idea of achieving a minimum of as many or few rabbits, it makes we risk shots when they not jump as we wish, wounding rabbits which is then difficult to collect. Never let rabbits that we can throw away and in good condition, don’t want to do tricks with shots, or stop to entire eye out shooting rabbits. Here do not go out to collecting rabbits, but tilting the field, good, we provide in each day. Check out Joel Courtney for additional information. 2 Hunt slowly always attentive Gran error walking, walking through the field, thinking that the rabbit will exit always depressed, in the better oriented mata, and before a clear comfortable for the trip. O we hunt, or walk, but these two options do not always get along well when what we want is some rabbits to perch.

We already know that by chance, a rabbit starts where less you expect it, and that even that day that you are hunting distracted, nodding in another site, you hang half a dozen as he does not want the thing, but the intention and be centered is essential to be able to take advantage of the summer season of the rabbit. It is important to hunt at a slow pace, not as we usually do many times, it seems that we have a side of Partridge front on a hillside in November. Hunting rabbits it must now hurry when the area is intricate, with scarce vegetation faces, and we depend on the asomadas we already know, then no wasting time and raise the pace.

Alexander Bredereck

Can you resist? To the following an interview of Quang LAM with lawyer for employment law Alexander Bredereck, Berlin Quang LAM: the common mistakes in the labour law is one of the, that the employer may not terminate the employment relationship during illness. Why do so many workers and employers believe this fairy tale? Lawyer polymath: In the GDR, it was so. And it held up over twenty years. It corresponds to our understanding of the law to kick the man who is lying on the ground, not even likely. But it does not meet our. Even if the employee is sick, the employer can terminate.

Quang LAM: But is such a termination automatically effective? Lawyer polymath: There are rather the General conditions under which a termination is effective. The notice must be in writing. Layoffs by E-mail, fax or with missing signature are always ineffective. Quang LAM: What is, if the termination is with for a short period? Lawyer polymath: Uses only announced the wrong notice, this does not affect the effectiveness of the termination. The time limit is too short, the denunciation shall take effect at the time of expiration of the notice period. Differently than is often assumed, the employer must say no new notice.

Quang LAM: assume that the employer has complied with all necessary formalities. Can you do something against the dismissal. Lawyer polymath: The formalities are observed, is important for the effectiveness of care, how many employees in the operation. In a small business with no more than ten employees of workers can resist regularly difficult against the dismissal. In companies with more than ten employees are, however, very good prospects to successfully tackle the termination. The work is rarely saved. Usually the disputes receive a cash compensation of 0.5 to 2 stop gross monthly salary per year of employment. Quang LAM: Why the employer ever pays an indemnity in such Height? Lawyer polymath: Any notice, even if it seems so effective and right at first glance, has its pitfalls. If there is a Works Council in the operation failed the hearing happen regularly. These are only technicalities, nevertheless constitute a significant risk for the employer. He loses the dismissal process he must pay the wage, without that the employee has worked. The process took a long time, such as in the Raleigh process (several years), there quickly existential sums can come together. Quang LAM: a reasonable employer will not take that risk, and therefore he pays the compensation? Lawyer polymath: Exactly. The amount of severance pay is better to calculate and also social tax free. Quang LAM: How should you sit against a dismissal to the military? Polymath lawyer: If you want to win a settlement, you must submit an action before the competent labour court within three weeks after receipt of the notice. Nothing fails this deadline is usually to save more. Quang LAM: What costs incurred in the proceedings? Lawyer polymath: Who has insurance, pays only his own participation. Legal aid access for people with less money. Otherwise, the cost depends on the amount of the income. Those who earn more, pay more. In practice, I have seldom experienced that a worker has made a negative at the end of the procedure, the bottom line. Usually, the cost is only a fraction of the compensation obtained. An interview with Quang LAM with lawyer for employment law Alexander Bredereck, Berlin Potsdam: Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 33, 14469 Potsdam Tel. (030) 4 000 4 999 E-mail:


Senecca said that the world is composed of those who give and those who receive, where those who receive eat better but who give sleep better. At some point in our lives we have all received either money by our service, love, satisfaciones, dislikes; but we have to think how we receive him? Who gets bound, with contempt, there is one who does it with generosity. It is generosity is the quality that we will guide when demos rather than receiving because everyone in a particular memento have taken on different occasions or for different reasons, more than others or less than others or equal than others.We give love, understanding, comfort, patience, favors, resignation, job, opportunities, and much more. Have I ever felt satisfied when you give without expecting anything in return? Remember that the generosity causes satisfaction. Do now I wonder tea: you’re really happy?. That is what you want from life?. They are very simple questions but difisiles answer, more when it has no clearly defined goals. We can only predict our own future I want to give you a secret to it the first task you are you treated with love and respect and draw people who show love and respect when you feel bad with still same you aren’t full and satisfied and therefore we have nothing to give to others.

When you happy estas give to the other will be very easy and natural. Focus on the qualities that you have and the qualities of others, fails to focus on complaints, in the unpleasant but strengths make a friend is a grace. Having a friend is a gift. Keep a friend is a virtue. Be your friend is an Honor.

Credit Card

Going to a commercial center with its credit card is what leads to many people to the bankruptcy. The studies say that the more time a person in a commercial time, the more will buy. The problem is not to buy, the problem is the quality of the bought thing. Whenever Carl Rogers listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Many people buy things that will not use, or that do not bridan to them to please. Many women for example buy shoes and clothes that soon leave forgotten and never used. Many men buy tool kits that are without use in the garage. When a person buys with cash, then she thinks more to it. Nevertheless with its credit card, everything seems cheaper, easier and from which it abuses.

It would have then to cut the credit cards with scissors and to throw them to the sweepings? By all means that no. Personally those plastics seem to me one of the best inventions in the economic area. The credit by means of cards invigorates the economy, facilitates the mobilization and transport of money, protects the atmosphere when reducing the amount of destroyed trees to make tickets, etc. But the sinister side is that 1.000 dollars spent with a credit card seem less than thousands spent in cash. That relativity of the money takes to many to the bankruptcy. In order to achieve the financial objectives, we say to accumulate wealth, you you must learn to use its credit card. See more detailed opinions by reading what Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. offers on the topic.. You must learn to spend money. He writes in a paper which wishes to buy and it has bought when it, it keeps his credit card.

Besides the previous advice, to write down what must buy another related advice he is that you must buy things that produce wealth to him, things that take of a place where this to it the one best one. He invests his money, does not spend it. You must buy things take that it to generate more money del than it invests in it. For example if you buy a good book that changes its mental landlords, then you will have made an investment and not a cost. The best investments than one can realise are the investments on itself. To those they transform it investments into somebody successful and rich one. An investment that I recommend is one that will allow him to transform its mental landlords. That investment it will allow to change the mental landlords him of its mind. The best thing is than it is a guaranteed investment, if you do not see results in 60 days, it requests a return of his money and can conserve the videos. If, which I recommend to him is that you invest in Subliminal videos that would reprogramaran their mind. This investment fulfills the requirements necessary to be considered thus: the aid to work on itself and improves its capacities to generate what wishes. But it only must make this investment if it is arranged to use 20 minutes daily seeing these videos. If it only wishes to only gain 100.000 dollars monthly and if it is arranged to use 20 minutes daily they justify that it uses his credit card.

A Visit To The Family Hotel At The Arlberg Massif In

In summer many people enjoy a holiday in the country or abroad. In the summer many people treat a holiday in the country or abroad, to be able to unwind from the stresses and strains of everyday life and then with new vigor and in old freshness of their work go. Especially for families, such trips can blow a big hole in the joint budget unfortunately very often. For this reason many for a holiday in their own country are turning. For assistance, try visiting Dr. Mark Hyman. For Austrians the hotel at the Arlberg enjoy excellent, on the one hand, because they present themselves as a family hotel on the Arlberg and this offer also, and on the other hand, money can be saved alone due to the short time of arrival. The family hotel at the Arlberg massif offer many attractions for the holiday for everyone involved is an unforgettable experience. The operators of the hotel at the Arlberg have spared no expense and effort in recent years and created a paradise with wise investments for their guests.

From the swimming pool the sauna up to the own Beauty area customers from the front can indulge himself up and down. In addition, a family hotel at the Arlberg massif with a child-friendly environment can come up. Some hotels in the Arlberg have their own professional care for the smallest, so parents once again time for yourself can take self and her beloved partner. Not infrequently a pair on such a trip lives up again, as commonly say. The children are excited in a family hotel on the Arlberg with cool video games, Foosball, and adventurous hiking trails and sometimes even a cinema. Thus, the holiday in a hotel at the Arlberg Massif is an affordable alternative for the whole family as opposed to a package holiday to the sea. Also the Arlberg offers one of the most beautiful natural landscapes around the world, no matter whether the visitors opt for a stay in the summer or in the winter

Balloon Ride Hamburg:

The Hanseatic City of Hamburg once meet in the context of a balloon out of the air. One of the most important and most fascinating metropolises is the Federal Republic of Germany, the free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, and if you don’t know Hamburg, the absolutely one should visit the city on the Elbe River. In Hamburg are very much to see and to experience and, for example, an evening on the Reeperbahn is still a unique in this day and age and for most tourists is also a great experience. There is also a possibility to meet Hamburg quite differently than most tourists do, namely in the framework of a great balloon ride. Here, explore the once Hamburg along with the beautiful experience of the balloon procedure as such, from a completely different perspective. You can book ballooning in Hamburg easily over the Internet. You can find information, for example on the website: “Balloon Hamburg” or for those who like a little faster fly across the Internet: “Flight Hamburg”. Both balloon rides over Hamburg, as also flights over Hamburg are indeed not so expensive, how do think like that but also an average earner can afford a such experience without any problems.

What you but still do not know when booking a balloon flight over Hamburg, is what it really going to see Hamburg out of the air at the later balloon ride. Just the wind, decides what makes the experience of balloon driving even more interesting, than it already is. You can prior to the balloon finally do not know if the wind allows: to see if necessary the trendy “St. Pauli” including the Reeperbahn once from the air looking at to be able to be able to see the beautiful Alster Lake landscape from above or maybe even some of Hamburg sights, such as the Michel or the kohlbrand bridge, to be able to take from a great height in the sights the great port of Hamburg from the bird perspective. Ultimately, it is but not so important what course Hamburg allows the wind, the city has so many interesting corners, a balloon flight over Hamburg will be always a great experience. Gunter Dehne E-mail: gdehne(at)

Positive Thoughts

Know that thoughts can have a significant influence in your daily life should not be something new for you, but have you thought in the true power that they enclose the thoughts? If you know how to put into practice this knowledge can improve your life. Our power of this hidden in our thoughts, desires and dreams, but the results that you see in your life will depend on the images that you put in your subconscious. The power of thoughts may not be restricted, all the events of our lives, regardless of whether they are good or bad, are the reflection of our thoughts. They can even form feelings, perceptions and mould us to ourselves. No wonder then that two people have thoughts completely opposite of how to do things, and that this also results in different situations for each of them. Carl Jung is the source for more interesting facts. Today, scientists discovered that everything (dogs, cats, chairs or human beings) have their own frequency which can be measured on a scale of power, even the thoughts have their own frequency of vibration.

Researchers revealed that the emotions and negative such as anger, envy or anger feelings have levels more low, while positive emotions such as meditation and prayers have levels more high in the scale. Tony Parker often says this. There is a universal law that relates to the sphere of thoughts, and says that things that are similar attract between them. In other words, if you want to attract good things into your life, then you must have positive thoughts. We can explain this with an example: imagine that these bad mood and your thoughts are negative. According to science in this case, this energy has a low frequency, and over time some negative experience of the same low frequency can be attracted into your life, and as the saying goes, the bad things come not alone which also confirms this law.

On the other hand the opposite also is true, and you can use it for your good, if you want good things happen you tune your thoughts, feelings and humour in the frequencies most high, and the results will be satisfactory. Then what comes into your life is a choice than your you do. Have you noticed any time in a room full of people, there is always a person who attracts the attention of other people, and is probably not by her perfume. Here, George Laughlin expresses very clear opinions on the subject. There may also be other types of people who have recently experienced something negative and when you start to talk to them you realize account that have a negative provision for everything, and that is not very good to relate to them. It is not difficult to see the connection between attitude and thoughts of a people, and the things that happen to them. You can try this same Act in your life. The facts show that a thought, no matter if it is good or bad, should be held only for 15 or 20 seconds to cause a situation of the same frequency. Why it is so important to be able to focus on positive thoughts and try to avoid negative thoughts if you want to have a successful life with a great perspective.


Happy people remember more positive events that actually happened and forget more than negative events Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman as result of an extensive search about true happiness, psychologist Maritn E.P. Contact information is here: Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. Seligman reached interesting conclusions and one of them is that people with a genetic tendency to happiness forget negative events very easily and tend to remember positive events frequently, and even invent them If they did not happen. As we know, the importance of being happy is great because we can not attract positive things if we are on negative States.

For this week I would like to recommend the following tips that will help you get rid of a time for all of the negativity that affects both your life, your health, your finances and your relationships. Tip #1 remember or invented so many positive events as possible. Takes a few minutes daily during this week to remember the happier events of your life, get a journal and title it: the things that fascinates me remember, write stories, experiences and situations funny and full of happiness and positive outcomes. Tip # 2 expands your boundaries of happiness. In your same journal opens a section called do that so happy could be? and let your imagination run thinking of things that could happen to you, and that would make you happier than you’ve ever been. Some ideas: what goals I have that when met me would become mad with happiness? What places me you fascinate visit? That was the humanity would very happy living? Things that give me a maximum State of happiness? Tip # 3 detach you from negative memories. When your mind is going towards the past, to some event negative to warn you that it can be repeated or to remind you that you should not trust it, forget the game don’t follow you your mind and beam of account that negative event did not happen. Imagine that you have a magic eraser that lets you erase those negative experiences of the mind and delete them, then when you feel tempted to remember them make a mental note to remember that that event no longer exists. -Did you like this article?

Selling Wholesale Fish

Crustaceans, fish and shellfish are among the most perishable products. Therefore when buying fish you want to follow some important rules that can ensure the quality and freshness of these products. When choosing fish, look for shelves and drawers, on which it is located. They must be kept clean and placed in a cool place. Here on this particular care should be taken to choose this type of product as fish preserves. At the present time are preserved in a very large assortment.

Preserves – a product that is not subject to long-term storage. And very important when choosing fish preserves – it's shelf life. Quality this product may reveal just by appearance. If the die dimmed, then buy such fish preserves is not necessary. For long term storage of fish slices are transformed into a homogeneous mass in the form of pate. In addition, buying fish preserves, be sure to note the condition of conservation of the product in the store. They must be mentioned should be kept in the refrigerator. Smoked fish as any fish – a product which must be handled with caution.

After all, smoked fish in bulk, if it is spoiled, it can attract a heavy impact on the health of the consumer. Check the quality of fish is easy on the taste and appearance. In that case, when the fish high quality, it has a soft, slightly transparent meat, salted taste and good smell. In addition, white mold and dry on the surface of the fish does not mean that she quickie. This mold is often covered salted and sweet to the taste rybokopchenosti. Before the use of this mold can be any effort to get rid of. Well, in the case when the raid grayish, greenish or black color, the smoked fish is very fresh. After removal of the mold will need to carefully check whether the fish and stored, and whether such fish to eat.