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Oxidation occurs when the milk is always literal contact of milk with the air: for milking, transfusion in the tank, with its subsequent processing by transfusion from a bottle into a glass. when stored in the packet / bottle / pot with an air layer between cover. During breast-feeding, this process is virtually eliminated, ie milk from mother's breast sterile ingested by a child, the oxidation process does not have time to occur. In the following quote says: what is a problem with dairy products? Note the date – wrote about this a long time. Was stimmt nicht mit den Milchprodukten? Fett und Cholesterin: Milchprodukte liefern Fett und Cholesterin zur Mahlzeit. Im Vergleich zu Fleischessern ist der kardio-vaskulare Befund von Ovo-Lacto-Vegetariern und Vaganern besser, wobei Veganer wiederum einen besseren kardio-vaskularen Status aufweisen als Vegetarier, die Milchprodukte verzehren. jama 1985; 254 (10) :1337-41; Am J Clin Nutr 1989; 50:280-87 fats and cholesterol: Dairy products contain fat and cholesterol.

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