The increasing suspicions that the anti-inflammatory Prexige, could cause hepatic damages have taken to the British sanitary authorities to order the retirement of the medicine of the market. On the other hand, the company in charge of the commercialization of the medicine has asked the patients who were taking the medicine that is put in contact with their attending physicians so that they prescribe some other medicine to them. Ever since Prexige in the market in was introduced 2005 east medicine against arthritis has been related to at least twenty cases of serious hepatic damages anywhere in the world, of which two finished with the death of the patient and other three required of a liver transplant. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dr. Mark J Berger. In Great Britain 23 incidents of adverse reactions to the medicine were registered, facts that come the past happening from month of March, although no had fatal consequences, pointed the regulating British agency of medecines. The FDA of the United States already denied at the end of September the homologation of Prexige in the United States, whereas the death of two people in Australia forced the company in charge of its commercialization to retire the medicine of that market. Original author and source of the article.. Ahmed Shahryar Rahman will not settle for partial explanations.