Direct mailings and sales packaging paper despite remain successful in marketing and sales Internet direct mailings and sales packaging paper effective part of the marketing and sales work from IT and trading company. For more information see this site: cardiologist. This is proven by two products of the manufacture Lappe GmbH & co. KG Neuss were created together with the Dusseldorf map & print GbR and now received the German printing industry innovation award. A transport box made of high-quality cardboard, the entire sales materials in the telecom field staff are now stored in the as well as a Christmas mailing for the Karstadt department stores with special fragrance painting were awarded. Both products were very popular not only among the clients, but also in the receiver and brought an image and sales profits. o say. While plan & print the second time conquered the podium of the innovation award this year GbR, the Neuss factory Lappe GmbH & co.
KG is a regular there already: since the introduction of the award it won on high quality packaging and binding focused company five times the first prize for the best sales packaging, two second prizes for the most innovative product of pressure were added. The now excellent products is a good 40 centimeters wide and high transport box, which commissioned Agency for communication GmbH, Cologne fire relation of Cologne and was developed for the field staff of Deutsche Telekom. Made of grey cardboard coated with plastic, it contains sixteen bays and compartments, in which are stored all brochures necessary for the distribution of, forms and information, as well as the laptop. Advantage of the box, which is available in the car of salesperson: compared to wood or metal container with two plastic handles has not only significantly lower weight and lower production costs. Guaranteed compliance with the corporate presence, however, was very important for the decision in favor of the paper version.