Diets, Basic Recommendations

A simple and effective way to learn to eat well. Isocaloric diets represent the backbone of treatment. Diets low in calories are intended to achieve a negative energy balance, ie entering fewer calories going out. The diet should be balanced in terms of nutrients, and must adapt to the tastes, habits and schedules of patients. Ensuring that does not represent a break with the previous diet or, at least, the transition is gradual. It is important to be varied, so that the patient does not fall into the monotony and stop treatment. ASSESSMENT OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND OBJECTIVES There are several techniques to assess the degree of obesity in adults.

The most useful, yet simple, which are used in daily practice are: a) body mass index (BMI). Also called Quetelet index. Today is the universal method to evaluate obesity. b) Estimation of body composition by bioelectrical impedance analysis Bipolar: Considered one of the methods more reliable for estimating body composition, as well as safe, noninvasive, quick and sencillo.La impedance to electric current is related to total body water, and from it, we can calculate the proportion of lean body mass (organs, blood, bones, etc …) and fat mass. All these estimates were made using the most advanced software (Bioscan Tanita). The goal is to reach out through the assessment of the constitution, age, gender and psychological status of the patient. In addition, the team of specialists and a computer program that we have allowed, based on analysis of body composition, set your weight.