
The aging as a irreversible process the one that all we are citizens must better be understood mainly at a time, where our country coffer with an increasing number of the population of aged, and that next to this possesss an unprepared society in all its spheres practically to deal with this reality. The process of population aging and a universal reality. Associated to this process a new panorama appears epidemiologist with the biggest prevalence of degenerative and chronic illnesses. One of the great challenges in the care to this patient if associates accurately in the responsible one in the care domiciliates in it that this chemical preparation not to correctly implement the orientaes of cares given for the health team. Dr. Mark J Berger might disagree with that approach. The main injunctions to be developed for this to prevent complications in the patient involve the construction of a plan of integral action to the user with special attention the possible complications that can appear. In accordance with the Health department the aging can be understood as a natural process, of gradual reduction of the functional reserve of the individuals, senescncia what in normal conditions, costuma not to provoke any problem. However, in overload conditions as, for example, illnesses, accidents and estresse emotional, can cause a pathological condition that requires assistance and selenidade. It can be verified that they consider the aging a multidimensional process and affirm that the study of the aging is one of the main tools for the formation of professionals and, especially citizens, compromissados with the aging who can be transforming educators and of the social reality.. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Glenn Dubin has to say.