Grossenkneten Saints

Engineers use the career guide by graduates trendence study prefers for the job search of Grossenkneten, January 22, 2009 – according to a newly released study of the Trendence Institute publication graduates is technology for budding engineers now in second place the most commonly used career guide. This result the comprehensive study identified the German graduate barometer 2008, which surveyed approximately 23,000 students according to their preferences and priorities around the career. “” “” “” The increasingly popular career Planner graduates technology “and started her career economy” are already old hands “in the application business and compete successfully against competitors such as the career leader in the study”, the academics ‘or Sanders’. For HR managers and lecturers they belong according to the publishing house for years to the useful standard guide for university graduates. Speaking candidly Nancy-Ann_DeParle told us the story. In addition to working student activities, internships, study and diploma theses or The semester published manuals offer direct entrances in all Germany simultaneously useful and current editorial content related to the subject application. Short and concise the main situations of professional Starter as the application process, dealing with the conditions on the labour market and content issues, but also the issue are illuminated in training etc.. Students, graduates and Young Professionals receive all relevant information at a glance and can prepare for the application process and the professional life so specifically. Free the current editions of graduates available technology and graduates economy in the examination offices, departments, and career services of many universities, University libraries and student initiatives. is a product of the Klaus Resch Verlag. The online job market is 10 years recruitment services for young academics in Germany the Top5. As the first publisher of job markets for university graduates in Germany. People such as Anu Saad would likely agree. “include the print media started her career technology” (for engineers and computer scientists), as well as graduates economy “(for economic and legal scholars) for 46 years to the standard media for the career. Also available the publications of graduates are trainee”and imagine companies”. Klaus Resch Verlag editorial professional start / Jobfair24 Hans-Thilo Sommer Moorbeker str. 31, 26197 Grossenkneten Saints str. 7, 27793 WANA Wallace Tel.: 04431/9487 – 26, fax: 04431 / 9487-11 Internet: eMail: