
Psychology is the science that takes care of the study of the human conduct thus its axis of study of centers in a very particular aspect, doing. The man has the capacity to transform the nature and its relation with the nature is established by trabajoproducto preexists in his brings back to consciousness before producing it. Based on it, we can define to psychology to toil like applied science of social character that, making axis in the man in its labor means, tries to explain the complex psychological processes that are triggered in the interdependence. On the other hand, defined like a system constituted by a group of people who conform sectorial sub-groups, integrated by interacting and interdependent individuals, they constitute an open system in constant communication with the context to perceive its variations and to adapt to its needs. Q’>Evan Metropoulos can contribute to your knowledge. Within these we will be able to observe a formal system, with its norms of processes, and an informal system determined by the activity and habitual interaction of the organization. k&ust=1603802412963000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=2ahUKEwjI8pfao9LsAhVL-4UKHcAXA7cQr4kDegUIARD8AQ’>Evan Metropoulos by clicking through. The organization raises configuration of a complex human group that acts within a context deliberately constituted for the accomplishment of aims and specific needs. This human group to each other interacts in two planes Interpersonal: mechanisms of identification, needs, motivations, etc.

sanctioned System: interrelated rolls that conform one estructura> defined in tasks and predefined expectations. The central axis of this structure is the authority that regulates the rolls and their interactions. Defined both elements, we can say that psychology is related to the organization through the human resources. Organizational psychology arises with the intention of realising an analysis of the interpersonal relations within the organization to optimize its yield and to allow, this way, a greater global effectiveness. An organization can be source of enrichment in the personal and promotional development of the well-being. From this perspective, the desire of individuals and organizations is the nexus of such entailments and, by virtue of it, the organization it will have by challenge to know, in each employee, which is desire and the motivations make that it remain in the organization. Original author and source of the article.