Language Enthusiasts Are Offered Subsidized Courses In Over 100 Languages

Learn over 100 languages for only 100 euros! Vienna – Eton Institute – Vienna language centre with a selection of over 100 languages – offers language enthusiasts of the city-sponsored courses in the value of several thousand euros. As an international language training supplier Eton Institute is to celebrate of its opening on the Graben, the public specially funded courses for only euro 100,-available. This initiative has the aim to make learning affordable to promote at the same time, multilingualism and cultural diversity. Like. Franziska Luckabauer, Coordinator at Eton Institute Vienna, commented: “the author Samuel Johnson once said, that language is the promotion of thought. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. I can only agree! Learning a new language, you will discover not only a new way of speaking, but a new way of thinking. The provision of subsidised language courses is our way, in addition to strengthen the connection between the different cultures in our vibrant community.” Learning a language can be a life-changing experience- whether for the optimization of business relationships and networking, for travel or for making new friendships, and to the exploration of new cultures or simply to improve the communication skills – diving into a new language is the easiest and most entertaining way to learn. Eton Institute offers a wide range of learning programs and languages that are based on real life situations.

Language-loving Viennese and Viennese is given the opportunity to discover a new exotic world. All courses are carried out by highly qualified and experienced native speakers, to convenient class times in the morning, afternoon or evening. Every day, the courses are offered Monday through Friday, 2 weeks for euro 100,-incl. VAT. For more information about the registry, please visit Eton Institute ‘ community on Facebook EtonInstituteAustria / Twitter EtonIAustria or go to 0800989889 and talk to one of our staff.

All courses and times vary by Availability and based on a first-come first-served principle. We recommend interested to register, to secure a place and avoid disappointment. For more information, please contact: Mag. Franziska Luckabauer Coordinator Eton Institute Vienna T + 43 1 8904253