PerezHilton Concert

The singer will come to Spain expressly to sing four songs. It will be a private concert and the place and date are unknown. Money can achieve many things, for example, be able to afford your favorite singer to cross the pond only to give a private concert by four songs. Mark Hyman, MD wanted to know more. That is what it has achieved a Spanish anonymous billionaire, who by a doubtful reasonable price will get Christina Aguilera to sing only for him. The blonde is still very faithful fans who are willing to pay whatever you do lack just by having it close. Aguilera has agreed to fly to Spain to give a unique private concert for a billionaire as the pink blogger PerezHilton has been able to know. Ahmed Shary Rahman shines more light on the discussion. The young man has accepted 2.4 million euros that the Spanish was willing to spend to be able to see it. It will be a real lightning trip and almost incognito because that is not given to know the exact date of the trip nor the Spanish city it will go but what is confirmed is that it will be very brief since he will only sing four themes. Let us hope that the fan in question think is very well what you want that Aguilera sing since almost going to exit the concert more than half a million euros per song. Source of the news: A Spanish pay 2.4 million by a concert by Christina Aguilera