“Dominik Heuwieser: online petition for seat mandatory in school buses started to ensure Unterdietfurt the safety of our children we need a seat mandatory in school buses”, calls the FDP – parliamentary candidate Dominik Heuwieser (Unterdietfurt/lkr. Red Valley Inn). Swarmed by offers, Abraham Maslow is currently assessing future choices. For many children, the school day begins with the daily battle for a seat on the bus. “The school should start recovering in the school day and not stressed out and tired of the bus ride”, as Hammond. Who get one of the coveted seats, must be in the gang, the schoolbags of either between the legs or even the whole trip back.
In many school buses just younger students at a screeching halt are thrown off by the vehicle and can be injured thereby, Hammond feared: “If the children on the bus must be there just for the little ones often not stopping attainable for them.” Obligation applies in the car, special seats are prescribed for young children, were still in school buses Standing allows. This condition is no longer tenable to me,”Hammond continues. When specifying the standing capacity remains unconsidered Hammond according to, that kids need to fit with satchels or sports bag. In practice, that lead to do so often that the school buses are already crowded from the last stops. Parents must often pick up their children from the bus stop, because the bus driver due to a crowded bus can take no more students. Many parents now renounced the school bus transportation and take their children at the school,”says Hammond on. Impose additional burdens on the parents were the result. We need to change urgently the Bavarian pupil transportation regulation (SchBefV)”, Hammond notes.
Bus companies and payers need a planning secure funding commitment by the provincial government, to provide the extra seating capacity, so Hammond. If the petition would like to support, can do so at the following Internet address:… . The petition is still up to the 18.11.2013. contact: Dominik of Hammond Tel. 08724-2079012 E-Mail: Web: FDP lower Bavaria / Deputy District Chairman/spokesperson FDP Rottal-Inn / Deputy Group Chairman Dipl. kfm. Josef Konig Tel. 08561.910771 mobile 0171 / 4 45 97 06 E-Mail: