Ventilation Of Houses

In recent years, increasingly common in homes receive sealed fiberglass windows made of plastic, wood or aluminum. to explore varied viewpoints. This process is irreversible and will continue to grow more, because These windows are much more warm and allow to achieve significant savings in energy used for heating homes. In addition, modern windows greatly increase the comfort of home: greatly simplifies their maintenance, are easy to use, in flats is getting warmer and quieter drafts disappear. Sydney Sweeney is often quoted on this topic. Unfortunately, practice shows that along with the obvious advantages, the use of modern sealed windows leads to a number of specific problems sanitary nature, not previously encountered. Modern window usually has four modes: 'closed', 'open – door wide open', 'open – door thrown' and 'slit aeration', in which valve moves away from the frame on the 1-3mm, forming a gap around the perimeter. During warmer months, residents may be without too much trouble to open casement windows for ventilation at home. At the same time to dust the room, and an increase in noise levels have tolerated, with the penetration of insects cope mosquito netting on the window. For more specific information, check out Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. It should be noted that in the summer because of the alignment of internal and external temperature of air decreases abruptly thrust channels ventilation of the house and even with the windows open air is very small, it can be normalized only with mechanical exhaust system. In winter, to dust and noise added to the problem of drafts and cold. Modern windows are deprived of the traditional small air vents at the top, and swing and hinged opening doors for ventilation of the house leads to ingress into the room in winter excessive amount of cold air, reducing temperature and the formation of drafts. .