Correction Different Language Errors

Language correction: Various errors 1. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: 11th 11th grade or 11th grade 12th twelfth grade or twelfth grade 11th eleventh year or 11th eleventh year Eleventh floor or eleventh floor 13th year thirteenth year 12th twelfth floor or twelfth floor 20th anniversary 20th anniversary the 14th the fourteenth year adjectives or pronouns partitivos or fractional (eleventh, twelfth, treceavo, etc.) should not be confused with the ordinals (eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, etc.). 2. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: cooperate me. It cooperates with me. I hope that you cooperes me on this occasion. he administrator. I hope that you cooperes with me not me He collaborated.

He did not collaborate with me. She cooperated us much.She cooperated with us much. These verbs are intransitive and governed prepositions: we cooperate or collaborate with someone with something or something; We do not cooperate or collaborate to someone. 3. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: went back on itself. I went back on me.

You returned itself. You returned it. The expression return itself changes according to the subject pronoun. Thus, we would say: I went in me, you returned it, returned itself, we returned in us, etc. 4. Incorrect expressions: correct expressions: on base with base in, based in, in accordance with, according to, on the basis of, according to proceeded on the basis of the rules. We proceeded based on rules. It’s believed that Ahmed Shary Rahman sees a great future in this idea. I did it on the basis of the studies carried out by him. based on the dictionary studies Doubts Pahispanico States the following: might be a tracing of Italian in base a, single language of our surroundings in which this locution is documented since the end of the 19th century that in English it says on the basis of and in French Southern base of. 5.


In times of economically distressed, you can discover new ways to continue our life and be happy. However, we must remember that there is a big difference between needs, wishes and desires. needs are those basic expenses that are necessary to survive, as a roof, food, clothing and transport wishes are expenses that we incur on the basis of the quality of the goods that we need (brand or fashion items) desires are desires and dreams we have and we can only achieve when there is surplus in our finances (travel, cruise) are some of the benefits of the times where it is necessary to exercise austerity, or should be: 1. family unity 2. savings 3. share with friends 4. Carl Rogers understood the implications.

depth of analysis (to make decisions more thought) 5. It stimulates creativity 6. You may wish to learn more. If so, John Craig Venter is the place to go. promotes assistance to churches (many turn to God in difficult times to ask more wisdom and strength) AUSTERI-suggestions: 1. Entertainment a. in press, radio, tv and internet are promoted free events for the b. family picnics at beaches and parks c. Continue to learn more with: Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE . cinema at home with friends and family d.

churches and organizations, often provide activities free of charge for the benefit of the community e. interested in a hobby f. learn a sport 2. washing vehicle a. is an excellent project for family or for couples b. you make cleaning the inside and pay outside washing c. take your car to the car wash that provide schools, churches and other community organizations (regularly are inexpensive) d. limit the frequency of washing (metallic grey color cart resists the accumulation of dirty much more compared to a black or white) 3. lunch a. consider making his lunch at home and take it to your Office, can be healthier and economic b. make a lunch at home among the staff of the Office; stakeholders involved with ingredients or putting together the menu 4. clothing a. is not necessary to have an entire wardrobe in, 1 piece of fashion that you can recycle using it several ways or combinations b. purchase the clothing that it acquires you need, preferably parts in solid colors that facilitate multiple combinations c. take advantage of special offers from stores that have quality merchandise (clothing of good quality resists more use and washing) 5. care personal spa with your girlfriends.: blower, manicure, pedicure, facial mask, body treatments (it’s fun and they share) 6. purchase items by volume or discounted for large families may be of benefit shopping by volume (several supermarkets and shops have inventory that serves this purpose) b. consider join groups that mercadean products for personal care, health and others which can be purchased at cost or discounted and probably up to receive them in your home No matter the circumstancesWe are blessed, and I invite you to that you’re creative and also to tell you your blessings! You may discover that you have more than you think, and you don’t need much, just be a wise administrator.


Happy people remember more positive events that actually happened and forget more than negative events Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman as result of an extensive search about true happiness, psychologist Maritn E.P. Contact information is here: Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. Seligman reached interesting conclusions and one of them is that people with a genetic tendency to happiness forget negative events very easily and tend to remember positive events frequently, and even invent them If they did not happen. As we know, the importance of being happy is great because we can not attract positive things if we are on negative States.

For this week I would like to recommend the following tips that will help you get rid of a time for all of the negativity that affects both your life, your health, your finances and your relationships. Tip #1 remember or invented so many positive events as possible. Takes a few minutes daily during this week to remember the happier events of your life, get a journal and title it: the things that fascinates me remember, write stories, experiences and situations funny and full of happiness and positive outcomes. Tip # 2 expands your boundaries of happiness. In your same journal opens a section called do that so happy could be? and let your imagination run thinking of things that could happen to you, and that would make you happier than you’ve ever been. Some ideas: what goals I have that when met me would become mad with happiness? What places me you fascinate visit? That was the humanity would very happy living? Things that give me a maximum State of happiness? Tip # 3 detach you from negative memories. When your mind is going towards the past, to some event negative to warn you that it can be repeated or to remind you that you should not trust it, forget the game don’t follow you your mind and beam of account that negative event did not happen. Imagine that you have a magic eraser that lets you erase those negative experiences of the mind and delete them, then when you feel tempted to remember them make a mental note to remember that that event no longer exists. -Did you like this article?

Teenagers And Health

It is not easy being a teenager these days besides the natural changes that the Agency has prepared for that stage, today, for a teenager in growth, there are other challenges that are added. Be part of a community socially active, it is becoming increasingly more complicated. To have true social status, it is necessary to carry the best attributes that may have. And not only that, style and creativity, as well as a bit of originality. These are worlds in which teenagers today are immersed.

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It will disappear. With proper treatment, care and patience due. All discomfort disappears rule number two: avoid at all cost touch your face. This is the best of the tips for acne that you could do to help your face that already do not produce more pimples. Harte aware anytime you touch the face, and avoid it, with this, you’ll be getting a habit that you will help you for life. A method there are 100% natural try and guaranteed to eliminate acne in days, not months.

Sport Nutrtition Basics

Based on the diet of the athlete, should be balanced, energetic and always according to the needs of each person, depending on the type, the time, the duration and conditions of exercise or physical activity. Correct power supply allows the athlete delay fatigue and optimize physical performance. It must cover and ensure a good supply of carbohydrates, proteins and fats along with vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, it is important to mention that hydration is key, because if the body is well hydrated and nourished, yield, resistance and speed will not be affected. Carbohydrates carbohydrates fundamental in the diet of athletes, since they must be majority percentage of nutrients. Our organism accumulates them in the form of glycogen in the muscle and the liver. These reserves are exhausted after an hour and a half to two hours have started intense exercise. It is therefore necessary to replace losses.On certain occasions, athletes resort to diets with overload of carbohydrates to increase these reserves.

At the beginning a diet poor in carbohydrates along with a strong training, is done to so deplete the reserves of glycogen to the minimum. Then during the next three days, is reversed this situation by applying a diet with a high content in carbohydrates along with a light workout to maximize energy reserves. Are sources of carbohydrates: cereals such as bread, rice, pasta, crackers, vegetables, fruits, potatoes, sweets and sugars and drinks and sugary juices. Proteins proteins of an athlete needs, are similar to the needs of sedentary people. But it must be clarified that athletes will have greater muscle mass, need greater amount of protein compared to the population in general.

If we make a correct and balanced, diet always protein food, it won’t be necessary to add to the diet supplements that can lead to other complications to the Agency. These side effects will buy cheap levitra just go away when you stop the drug. purchasing cialis online This means that you shouldn’t experience any delay whenever you try to urinate. So each time she was single and started seeking a new relationship, sub-consciously her brain was drawn to the familiar, recognizable “comfort zone of DIS-comfort.” Comfort zone is not cialis price limited to a relationship; it spans many aspects of one’s life and it should get fix up as early as possible. Make it a custom to observe clients levitra generika as they enter your therapy room. Are source of protein: meat (all), eggs, fish, poultry and dairy products. Fats fats on a sports diet, should also be taken into account, since as glycogen reserves are depleted, the body begins to use fat as energy fuel. This occurs mainly in competitions or tests of long duration.The diet must not be loaded with fats, since needs are equal to the population in general. However both for athletes and for those who aren’t, unsaturated fats (oils, fish or dried fruits) must prevail over the saturated (pastry or confectionery, nut butters, born, dairy integers, sausages, fatty meats, etc.). I.e. it must come first quality over the quantity of them. Vitamins and minerals vitamins and minerals are another important point that should be clarified. As we have mentioned in previous notes, if the power is balanced, adequate and sufficient, will not be necessary to supplement vitamins or minerals, except in specific cases, when directed by the doctor. Liquids liquids are key to metabolization of other nutrients will perform optimally. The need for water will depend on the duration and intensity of exercise, as well as the conditions of temperature and humidity. Most appropriate beverages will be the isotonic or weak mineralization, always at a temperature between 9 and 15 C. You should drink them half an hour before, during and at the end of the year. An athlete must be quite clear that his power also depend on from the time of the exercise, i.e. learn to differentiate what is a diet of training, competition and recovery.

Healthy Weight Loss

At the global level has begun booming weight loss not only for figure, but for overall health and wellness. Each day we also find more publicity written, on radio, on television or on the internet that offers the best machine, the best product and up to the best magic formula for lowering, lose weight, or maintain her model figure; but unfortunately these formulas and all of this is at very high prices for pockets and just to think that we acquire and finished under a bed or in a closet saved us discourages or do so by such high investment. This is the best reason to search for the most natural way of lowering without having to invest large amounts of money on machines, equipment, gyms or strange pills to lower that can affect your health, or that it will not be permanent. The secret formula is simple, is easily obtained, of easy application and best of all is you who decides when, how, where and why it is going to do! In addition not only you It will help to lower, to look good and to have better health, but will also make you an organized person who program their life and will feel happy and satisfied and that is priceless. Men can improve relationship with their wife by satisfying their needs, Apart from levitra overnight this, they can find relief from male disorder, Erectile Dysfunction with safe, modern, effective and reliable cheap Kamagra. This best herbal supplement for buying cialis in uk low testosterone production. This, however, should not be misconstrued to mean that Kenpo Karate was founded by Parker. commander viagra I acheter pfizer viagra remember the devastation on my sister’s face when she woke up from anesthesia and saw her bare chest. Schedule your first week of activities and you will see that the second is easy, simple, and will do so with more enthusiasm.

Don’t wait to having to be ill or so fat that his doctor almost forced it a little delicious diet for your palate, and thus recover their health a little or at least to keep stable, but already deteriorated. So you feel, don’t think about it any more and be smart in its decisions, lose weight naturally, gaining health, gaining wellness, winning desire to live and knowing what makes now for you and your health will be the reflection of his own in the morning. Every day that passes without a goal, it is a day losing health and welfare; its work is to begin, we give the instructions so that it achieves its objective, now, start your small investment will it compensated in your pocket to be healthy, healthy and with encouragement to move forward.